Solvency and sustainability remain core issues for all organisations regardless of their purpose. In the case of Disability Services Providers, solvency and sustainability are placed at risk when a substantial change is made to the arrangements in place for funding. This webinar examines a number of issues related to Solvency and Sustainability and provides a set of key considerations for Boards and executives to think about and act on.
Learning Objectives:
As a result of viewing this webinar, participants should:
- Understand the concept of Working Capital in solvency terms;
- Appreciate the nature of accrual accounting and how estimates made can impact the future viability of an organisation
- Appreciate that capital assets replacement will need to be planned for and resources identified in order to ensure sustainability for service delivery; and
- Understand how to identify risks associated with the NDIS (i.e. often unintended consequences
Who should view this webinar:
- Anyone interested in costing and pricing in Not-for-profit organisations especially in the area of disability services.
- Particularly relevant to finance and management staff
- Volunteer directors and CEOs